Jiyugaoka Bakeshop

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Jiyugaoka Bakeshop

Jiyugaoka Bakeshop is a popular café-style bakery offering a great brunch menu and an interesting selection of pastries. Burgers are not their specialties. I actually ended up there accidentally because Jiyugaoka burger, the local burger joint was too crowded (See Jiyugaoka Burger). You’ll find only two burgers at Jiyugaoka bakeshop: the hamburger and the fish grill burger. They’re served on a plate like regular dishes. While it is clear that they went a long way to prepare their burgers, I must admit I wasn’t a fan. Maybe it is because I prefer minced or ground meat in my burgers, or perhaps because I feel that fried eggs in a burger isn’t a burger! Still, these burgers were original and might appeal to some. Why not give it a try?

Jiyugaoka Bakeshop

Website: www.bakeshop.jp
Address in English: Tokyo-to Meguro-ku Jiyugaoka 2-16-29
Address in Japanese: 東京都目黒区自由が丘2-16-29
